We are starting new year with a wish to work harder and better for children and youth in Pakistan.

In 2019,

  • Through ASSITEJ Network, we organized Tamasha Festival, an international performing arts festival for young audience and engaged 9013 people
  • Hosted Next Generation international workshop of theater makers in Lahore from 12 countries
  • Organised LICFF – Children’s Film Festival in 6 cities, and reached to 20,000+ children
  • Conducted 10 workshops with children and produced 40 short films on issues related to them
  • Launched Zeromm – a new Southasian film festival and conducted 5 festivals in universities
  • Conducted 5 workshops of filmmaking with university students
  • Received 10,000 artworks in ArtBeat and held exhibitions of child art in Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad
  • Produced a play, Taizaab Gard, that addresses the courage of acid attack survivors

TLA Travel

Five members of The Little Art team traveled to 11 countries, and 9 domestic cities covering more than 50,000 kms to promote, participate, learn, represent, experience and grow Arts and Culture around the world.
The countries include Srilanka, Canada, Nepal, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, New Zealand, Qatar, Singapore, Uzbekistan and Italy.


Child Rights Drawing Competition and Exhibition

The Little Art curated child art exhibition for UNICEF Pakistan.

President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi, and Minister of Human Rights of Pakistan, Shireen Mazari, opened #ChildRights exhibition celebrating #WorldChildrensDay and the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at Pakistan National Council of Arts, Islamabad.

The exhibition displayed drawings of children selected in the child rights competition organized by UNICEF and curated by The Little Art in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta.


Taizaab Gard – a play on acid attack survivors

The Little Art, ASSITEJ Pakistan, Chota Mota Theatre produced a theatre play ‘Taizaab Gard’ in just 45 days to perform at Lawyers Convention in Islamabad.

The play addressed the social and judicial aspects of acid attack cases and showcased the courage and bravery being shown by the victim’s family throughout the proceedings. The aim of the play was to sensitize the prosecutors in Pakistan for a better judiciary system.



8th ArtBeat

The 8th edition of ArtBeat received around 10,000 artworks from 202 schools. 3 exhibitions of selected artworks were conducted in Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. The winners of ArtBeat took part in week-long visual arts workshops under the mentorship of renowned Pakistani artists, R.M. Naeem, Sadaf Naeem, and Sajjad Akram.

The Little Art possesses a total of 58,000 digital artworks since first ArtBeat!



Zero MM

The first Zero MM Film Festival SouthAsia recorded a number of more than 5000 audience and participants.

  • 5 Zero MM Filmmaking Workshops
  • 5 Universities, Lahore and Faisalabad
  • 15 Short Films Made

The Festival is a jump-board of experimental filmmaking, a celebration of urban culture and an inspiration for youth to explore Southasia and identity. Imagine a global youth filmmaking movement, where talented youngsters collaborate to create world-class cinema, host the Festival across the world at small to large venues and celebrate Southasian storytelling.
Website: https://zerommfest.com/

Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com




The Little Art launched ‘Equally Loud’ project whereby young people from vulnerable and low-income communities are able to express and share their experiences through creative mediums, transforming the narrative of Pakistani women and girls from a purely rights-based discussion to a more personal and impactful dialogue.

10 schools in Lahore and Faisalabad were a part of the 5-Day filmmaking workshop conducted by filmmakers and trainers. More than 350 were children were trained and each school made 3 to 4 films during the workshop. A total of 25 films were made collectively.

Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com



LICFF Learn and Film Clubs

Through LICFF Learn, which is a workshop and training component of Lahore International Children Film Festival, The Little Art conducted filmmaking workshops designed to explore gender experiences of children as well as equip them with basic filmmaking skills.

5-Day #Equallyloud Filmmaking Workshops were conducted in 10 schools, 7 in Lahore and 3 in Faisalabad. More than 350 boys and girls were trained in basic filmmaking on the theme of their own gender experiences.

6 one-hour shows were programmed for Monthly Film Clubs in 10 schools
More than 1000 children attended the Film Club from each school, followed by a discussion on the themes and issues showed in films.



LICFF 2019

The 11th edition of LICFF received 3137 films submitted from 114 countries. World’s best 116 films from 27 countries were shortlisted to be screened at the festival.The festival traveled to 6 cities with all the screens booked fully. More than 20,000 children and families attended the festival to learn and get entertained.

The rich experience that LICFF provides is most unique in terms of content as the worldwide selected films are specially targeted towards the social development of children and young people from 4 to 18 years.\

LICFF Promo: https://youtu.be/OWMsJejTkaU

Website: https://lahorechildrenfilm.com/



2nd Next Generation Program

The 2nd Next Gen program is an 8-Day residency program with international workshops all week.17 young and emerging theatre practitioners from 9 countries including Germany, USA, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Montenegro, South Korea, Romania, Philippine and Pakistan took part in the program to experience and understand cross-cultural differences and similarities in theatre.

The participants also practiced and performed 3 showcase performances at 2nd Tamasha Festival.

The program was designed and conducted to support artistic and cultural networking, exchange and collaboration between artists within not only ASSITEJ network but open for all those who are working in the field of Theatre for young audience.

Full report: https://assitejpakistan.org/report-2nd-ng-program-2019/



2nd Tamasha Festival

The 2nd Tamasha Festival recorded a hefty number of 9013 diverse audiences in three days.

The festival program included

  • 11 Theater, Dance and Music Performances by Professional Groups
  • 17 Theater Performances by Schools
  • 3 Workshops by international and national master trainers
  • 1 Musical Concert
  • 2 International Performances by professional groups

Seeing a houseful at every single show, we are confident that people will keep coming if we present quality theater and performing arts to them! Fingers crossed for the future!

Presented by ASSITEJ Pakistan in collaboration with Institute for Arts and Culture (IAC)

Full Report: https://assitejpakistan.org/…/report-2nd-tamasha-festival-…/
YouTube: https://youtu.be/CWz-f949HV0