The LICFF (Lahore International Children’s Film Festival) is a project of The Little Art. It’s an annual event to showcase the best of local and international films made by, for or about children and youth. The Festival was started in 2008, and has completed its 11 seasons successfully and has reached to nearly 501,550 audiences.

#LICFF20 is the 12th edition of the festival, and its official partner is Cinepax Cinemas. It is the largest cinema chain in Pakistan that covers 14 locations in 9 cities and is running 50 screens across Pakistan.

Aiming at education as well as entertainment, the film festival is dedicated to promote the culture of film watching, media literacy and alternative learning among children and youth. Each year, the festival brings some of the best international films to Pakistan to promote, peace, creativity, social awareness, world cultures and the arts.

The Festival reaches to nearly 30,000 children and young people each year, from urban to rural areas. The festival defines “children and youth” as its primary beneficiaries, irrespective of their gender, social status, class, education or income level.

The festival has an inclusive approach to involve marginalized and less privileged children as its audience. We collaborate with NGOs and community organizations to show the world’s best films to out-of-school and marginalized children across Pakistan.

2020 is the 12th season of the Festival and will take place in Lahore, Pakistan in October 2020 and after that, through outreach program, it will cover the other Urban and Rural cities across Pakistan.

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