3rd Youth Leadership Workshop on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) was organized by the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) in partnerships with Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity and GCED Youth Network was designed to be a catalyst for action on global citizenship.

After finishing the formalities, I received a warm welcome by organizers from UNESCO APCEIU waiting for me and other participants just outside the Seoul airport. I wanted to take a small walk in the fresh air outside, look at the sun playing hide and seek with clouds, enjoy hot coffee but undoubtedly this would definitely let me miss my next flight to the beautiful island, Jeju. As soon as I reached the hotel, I congregated with other participants and organizers at the lobby.

Panelist at the ‘The Role of Youth and Culture in Shaping a Peaceful and Sustainable Future’ Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity

Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity started in 2001 and organized by the Jeju Development Institute is an annual event.

Among Her Excellency Puan Maharani, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia, His Excellency Hamat Bah, Minister for Tourism and Culture of Gambia, Mr. Eduardo Mendez, Executive Director of Simon Bolivar Music Foundation in Venezuela and Mr. Daniel Lindemann, TV personality in Korea from Germany Culture, other fellow workshop participant Leen Nasrallah from Palestine, I was selected as panelist to share my work and story how performing arts created an impact on society and empowered thousands of young people in Pakistan.


Starting with the sessions on ‘Introduction of GCED’ by Director CHUNG Utak and Office of Education and Training, various workshops under the main theme of “Deepening the Understanding of GCED Advocacy” were held by the GCED Youth Network.  This intensive workshop was designed perfectly well to empower young leaders to take initiatives at the local level. From workshop sessions to cultural night fun, from discussions in groups to individual counseling, outdoor activities to indoor food table discussion; every single moment was memorable and opportunity to learn and grow.

The main objectives of the workshop were

  1. To enable youth leaders active in promoting GCED by deepening their understanding of GCED and sharing advocacy tools
  2. To provide a forum for participating youth leaders to elaborate GCED advocacy strategy suitable for the national and regional levels
  3. To develop concrete plans to strengthen the GCED Youth Network


Getting away from home was always difficult for me but I extended my stay to explore the beauty of Korea. My first experience with the Korean food was not so good but with time I started to love it. Korean people are so humble, nice and very obliging.

Standing lost beside the road, past midnight, the wind was still, pin drop silence, no internet to use google map to reach home but heard few voices coming from distance fired some hope in me on my first day in Seoul. I asked for help and all of four boys dropped me home three blocks away. The first-day experience and generosity of the people took my heart.

I planned my journey from Jeju Island to reach Seoul via Ferry (Jeju>Mokpo) and then Fastest Korean Rail KTX (Mokpo>Seoul)

After reaching Mokpo Port, it took me 20 mins to figure out how to reach railway station, waited 17 mins for bus but it never came, met with Mr. Kim Chung Do at bus stop who was waiting for his ride and upon arrival of his ride he offered me to come with him so he could drop me there……

when we reached, he shook hand and said, “you know who am I? (A pause) I AM THE CAPTAIN OF SEAWORLD CAR FERRY which took you here”

Umair Mushtaq was selected by UNESCO to attend 3rd Youth Leadership Workshop, happened in the Republic of Korea, from 28 May to 3 June 2017. He was selected as a young leader from Pakistan amongst other 53 young leaders from 42 countries for the Global Citizenship Education workshop. In Pakistan, he used theater as a tool to mobilize and engage young people in discussions about peace, sustainable development and global citizenship.

Currently, he is leading a youth empowerment Tamasha YESPeace, an extensive program aims to empower youth through theater and performing arts, on the key issues of peace, conflict resolution and diversity.

Read more about Tamasha YESPeace Workshops

