Join Facebook Group Now!
Entertain. Inspire. Educate.
Experiences in life are something we can all learn from; be it our own or of each other. The Little Art have created a digital safe space i.e. a community group on Facebook for people to share their stories, and experiences and inspire the members to make a difference in their lives.
The community is formed with no set age group in mind, but for the sole purpose of growing together, learning from each other and celebrating experiences that we all go through on the way. It’s for youth, parents, teachers, and artists alike, but most importantly it focuses on individual-relative approach.
Members will not only have a chance to get exclusive insight on all the activities and festivals going on around The Little Art, but they will also post about creative arts, travel experiences, voices that should be heard, issues that need to be addressed, networking, or inspirational happenings. Everyone will have a chance to listen to some great stories, share exciting experiences and explore creativity through every lens that enters the community.
Some of the core principals of the group are respect, and tolerance which will be highly encouraged. No one will be allowed to bash anyone or breach anyone’s privacy. The group is open till 24th August, 2019, after which the member will have to answer three questions in order to enter.
So, join now and celebrate!