The Little Art is a non-profit arts education organization registered under societies act in Lahore, Pakistan.
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Issue #10 12/2024
Say Hello to CutPutli - A Puppet Making Manual for Children

Since last 8 years, The Little Art has been working to put various art forms in action for children and young people so they can explore their creative potential and express themselves.

Last year we worked on puppetry from the perspective of a child, to understand it, make it simple, easy and fun learning for kids. The result: CutPutli is here.

“CutPutli” is a locally made, high quality puppetry manual developed by The Little Art and designed by Duck. It is an effort to create awareness of the tradition and culture of storytelling through puppets among children and youth. Cutputli is not only a fun toolbox for kids to make puppets themselves but also a learning aid for parents and teachers to teach concepts through stories.

It is Art, Education and Fun!

Learn to Play & Play to Learn!
The manual is in two languages – English and Urdu for better understanding. It includes a visual demonstration of the step-by-step process of making puppets. Materials* required for making puppets are also provided along with the manual.

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Puppetry as a New Language

You can make 4 simple puppets with the help of manual using simple materials such as paper plate, disposable spoon, cup and sticks.

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Materials* to make puppets are included!

The Kit includes:
A 48-page Book | Activity Sheets | Scissors | Glue | Fomic Sheets | Paper Cards | Ribbon | Spoons | Glitter

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