This workshop is an introduction of art for teachers, that enables them to understand what arts is, its forms and why it plays an essential role in enhancing children’s experience of learning.

The landscape of how we teach our children is changing with time. A teacher is no more the only source of knowledge and information for children. They have an increasing access of technology, which gives them exposure and means to explore information in various ways.

Creativity and imagination are the most important elements of learning. If a child is curious, he or she will be learning by himself. Once motivated by the creative energy of learning, children form their own questions and seek the answers. It promotes critical thinking and confidence among children and young people.

This workshop introduces various art forms through examples to teachers, and explains how teachers can design their own course of ideas to work with children through the arts. Which eventually helps them to be independent, self-exploring and creative in their pursuit of knowledge.

Venue: Roots Garden School Head office, Rawalpindi
Date: 6th August, 2014
Private Registrations through Roots Schools Head office.